Global Partners
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Rugby Services

Rugby services organises, controls and implements a whole range of services needed to keep the global game fully operational and to make sure it stays true to its core values of integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect. organises, controls and implements a whole range of services needed to keep the global game fully operational and to make sure it stays true to its core values of integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect.

Match officials

For example, without match officials to oversee the laws of the game are implemented correctly, there would be no game of rugby. appoints suitably trained and experienced match officials to all levels of the international game, ensuring high standards are maintained through an overarching support network of trainers and educators.

Training and education provides Training and Education opportunities for a wide range of participants across all areas of the game. Whether you are a Player, Parent, Coach, Match Official, Medic/First Aider or Administrator, there are programmes specifically designed to help you to learn and develop in your role.

We support our member unions by providing a blended learning portfolio of online learning modules and face-to-face courses across seven strands in multiple languages.

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been worldwide disruption to our training and education courses. If you wish to find out more about training courses on offer, including how to register, please contact your union or your local Regional Training Manager found in our contacts page.  

Player welfare

Player welfare is – and has always been – the top priority and employs a research-driven approach to the support and protection of players at all levels of the game. This commitment includes the development and dissemination of best-practice injury-prevention, management and education guidelines across member unions, while also commissioning and partnering on research, notably in the area of brain injury. 

In addition to and training and education aspects, the Technical Services department also looks after functional areas such as laws, research, equipment approval, artificial turf, game analysis, anti-doping and the governing body’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anti-doping is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code, and players are regularly tested. messaging is always visible at events. 

Anti-corruption’s anti-corruption 'Keep Rugby Onside' content, is dedicated to educating those involved in the game about betting restrictions and other corruption offences and the penalties involved if those are breached.